19 August 2011

30-day blog challenge Part 2: Day 2

Monday, August 15, 2011

So, in reference to my previous blog entry, I've taken up the "30-day blog challenge". If u're a blogger and u're reading this, I strongly recommend u participate too! It's really fun. Gets u motivated to blog.

My Day 2 entry...

Day02: A picture of you and the person you have beenclosest with the longest.
1st of all, THIS IS HARD. Mainly coz i've got so many close friends throughout my childhood-adolescence-youth-young adult life. So it is hard to pick. Some friends have just drifted away. Not because we hate each other but because we had our separate lives to live. Different college, uni etc.


This was taken when we were 19 years old. Isn't the sunset in Kota Kinabalu just amazing? I miss it. I miss you.

I'll have to say it is you, Banzie! Mainly coz I remember I spent most of my high school life with you. We weren't THAT close in primary school but we were still good friends I think? hahaha. So we basically knew each other since we were 8 years old (and we're 22 now..so...22-8=FOURTEEN). YES.

we've known each other for 14 years, we've gotten close when we were 13 (the power of school bus!) and I've always been to her house to play. Still remember Harry Potter card game? hehheehehe. Banzie is a friend that understands me. We dont even have to constantly meet up. Just a simple text is enough to let each other know that we're still treasured. When we're around each other, we laugh, we cry, we keep quiet, we fight. But all of that just made our friendship more worthwhile. Thank you, for being part of my life. And a big chunk of my fond high school memories has YOU in it.

That's all for now...Till day 3..see u!

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