31 October 2012

My 8 Week Challenge: Part 1

I joined Chief's Original Bootcamp (COBC) since last year but I was not consistent. I was always travelling between KL and KK. Few months after I joined, "8 week challenge" popped up but I loved sinful food too much to go on the challenge. Plus, I didnt think I was that fat at that time. Whenever someone asked me, "Regina are you joining 8WC?" My standard answer was, "NO! I love food too much."
This was me in August 2011. Approximately 60kg

November 2011. I was quite content with the way I looked then. ~ 60kg 

January 2012. ~60kg

Frankly, I didn't like how my clothes were getting tighter. I felt disgusted seeing all my cellulite jiggling about. It was gross. My arms, my thighs, my belly, my ass. They were all too fat for my height and frame. I started having knee problems, flat foot was giving more pain, lower back was always in pain. I knew I had to do something about it. And I did.

About 9 weeks ago, I decided to join the "8 Week Challenge" hosted by a well established Original Bootcamp Australia through the Malaysia franchise, Chief's Original Bootcamp. This is their 3rd year having the challenge and on hindsight, I am so glad I joined the challenge with a conviction at heart. Of course, I had my debates. I had an Honours dissertation to write and the due date was very close to the end of 8WC. I know I would have to manage my time well if I want to get a First Class Honours and make my mom proud (plus, I don't want to waste money by doing poorly in uni). I knew I had to cook a lot and I had to give up my freedom of eating whatever I want, whenever I want. With many other things in mind, I went into this challenge whole-heartedly. 

One week into the challenge, I was quite discouraged. I wasn't seeing much results. Yes, I was that stupid to think that this diet + workout plan is some miracle plan that will work within a week. I was wrong. 

Few days ago, I asked my mom to help me take my picture to be submitted to Australia. When I put my pre-challenge photo and post-challenge photo next to each other, I was rather shocked myself. My picture went viral when I posted it up on facebook and instagram. I had girls asking me how I did it. Honestly, I don't mind sharing my 'secret' but if you're only going to make excuses in the end by saying how you don't have time/money or whatever excuses you can come up with, then I'm sorry, you've come to the wrong person. I made my fair share of excuses last year and it has gotten me FAT. I was literally sick and tired of feeling so heavy and bloated so I sucked it up and did the challenge. I may have complained, I may have whined. But I still did whatever I could. 

Before I start addressing the questions, ask yourself this. WHY AM I DOING WHAT I AM DOING? 

Until then...

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