01 November 2012

My 8 Week Challenge: Part 2

Yesterday I wrote about my decision to participate in 8WC. Today, I will start addressing questions given to me by friends and strangers. But before I do, I must say that 60kg might not be fat to most people. We all have different definition of fat and flabby. But for my health, height and frame, 60kg is borderline overweight. Whatever it may be, we all have our own ideal, our own goals. I hope you have yours in mind.

Here are the questions given and my responses based on my experiences.

Disclaimer: I am NOT a health dietician/professional/fitness instructor. All my knowledge came from leading a healthy lifestyle, hanging out with positive people who absolutely love health and fitness, reading up online, reading health magazines, and watching health-related youtube videos. 

1) How many kgs did u lose per week?
Each body is built differently. I only lost 6kg over 8weeks. I've got friends who lost 10kg in 8weeks. You have to understand this. Some retain more water, some more fat, some more muscle. If you're working out and eating healthy, please stop being obsessed with kg. It's just to give a rough estimation on how much you've lost. As the human body goes through intense amount of workout, it is only natural that the body builds muscle. Look at this comparison. Muscle is denser than fat, thus a person with less fat and more muscle will look smaller but can still weigh the same as a person with higher fat percentage. 

Now, I weigh between 56kg - 57kg but my clothes that I used to wear when I was 54kg is slightly loose on me. Reason: I've gained more muscle in these 8weeks (due to the nature of my workouts) which automatically made me toner than when I was 54kg.

2) With the diet, do they promote healthy meals or do they encourage skipping meals, pills and stuff like that?
Of course healthy meals! We do NOT believe in skipping meals/slimming pills/whatever nonsense products that are out there to burn your wallet. Always eat 5-6 small meals a day. But do not feed yourself with 5 meals of purely processed carbs. NO NO. Eat clean. What does that mean? Eating clean means to eat food that are natural and not processed. For example... spinach, almonds (unsalted if possible), salmon, chicken, lean beef, brocolli, etc. Yeah yeah, you can have your occasional McDonalds and KFC but if you want to really lose that stubborn fat, stay away as much as you can.

3) How did you do it?!?! Lose weight that is..
Eat healthy, eat clean, workout like mad. I worked out 6 days a week and sometimes morning and night. I wanted fast results and 8weeks is considered fast as compared to 8 months. I not only wanted to lose weight, I wanted to tone up, gain some lean muscle to support my weak lower back and bad flat foot. So that's what I did.

4) Btw I wanna ask u tips on how to remove bra bulge & back fat? mine's bad, and flabby and fugly. Any tips???
Healthy eating and exercise. What you're asking for is spot reduction. No, it will never happen unless you go for plastic surgery.
Our body burns fat as a whole which means when you lose fats, you will lose that double chin, the ass, the boobs, the belly, and of course your chicken wings and ugly bra bulges. If you look at my before and after picture, you will realize that I have lost all that I mentioned as a whole. Yeah, certain areas are more stubborn (could be due to genetics) but we can never just reduce fat in one spot and still have the rest. Not all are blessed with big boobs and tight asses.

This is Week 1 vs Week 4. Look at how my body lost the fat as a whole and not just in specific spot. Double chin, boobs, belly, bra bulge, flabby chicken wings were all significantly smaller. 

5)  How do u train?
Like a beast. A very good quote from Cassey Ho (blogilates fitness instructor) is this: Train Like a Beast to Look Like a Beauty. So very true. I've got friends who are more gung ho than me. They train harder than me and honestly, their results paid off.  Even I find it challenging all the time. There were days I wanted to quit. So I paused, took 5 seconds to breathe, and continued to push on. 
You want results? You've got to have what it takes in your head and heart to challenge yourself everytime.Train hard, make your fats cry.

6) I used to only drink water to lost weight without any food consume
No. Your body and brain needs good food to work. If you starve yourself with just water, it is very bad for you. But of course, if you eat healthy, train hard, and consume a lot of water, it will show in your body. I generally drink 2litres of water a day. Yeah, I go to toilet like CRAZY but hey! I'd rather have that than to have water retention and dehydration. So, eat smart, drink smart.

7) Do you mind sharing how you managed to lose that tummy?
It's really a combo of healthy eating and hard training my dear. That sugar coating that we all have is from all the fatty yummy stuff we feed our bodies with. Unless you are burning more than what you consume, cut.it.down. Having said that, I LOVE SUGAR and CARBS. So I really understand your pain and struggle. But it does not mean it's not achievable.

8) My boyfriend has been asking me to ask you what are your diet/exercise plan. (...) Just dieting alone I notice people tend to look haggard. 
Yeah, sometimes when people take the wrong diet or don't drink enough water they do look haggard. Or if they lose too fast, they will also look haggard. I honestly don't know why I don't look haggard this time after my weight loss. In terms of sleep, I only managed to get 4-6 hours of rest per night and I don't nap in the afternoons as I have a lot of things to do during the day. But I do drink a lot of water and I guess eating healthy nutritious food and working out really enhanced the blood flow in my system.
Again, my diet is very high in protein, I only take brown rice, wholemeal bread, low fat stuff and a lot of veggie. Exercises... a lot of cardio, it doesn't have to be super long because high intensity but short duration workouts are more effective and time efficient. We all want to save time!

Okay, now that I have addressed specific questions, tomorrow I will be going into more details about what I did for my diet, time management, and workouts. I don't think I can shrink 8 weeks worth of stuff into just 1 blog posting, but I will try to provide as much information as I can. 

On another note, voting just started today! I would really appreciate it if you girls/guys could head on over to https://www.facebook.com/OriginalBootcampHQ/app_217457068381267 and vote for me to get into semi-finals.

Step 2: Click on 'Search User', type 'Regina Ho' and select 'Malaysia' for country (OR you could go to page 19)
Step 3: Select my profile. You can also view my before and after stats and images
Step 4: Key in your details (i.e. Name, email, training location if applicable, whether you're a COBC recruit or not etc) on the right pane. Don't edit the vote part because once you've selected my name, it will automatically fill the number and that is to vote for me. 
Step 4: Click on 'REGISTER MY VOTE'

"Voting for ‘Overall Semi-Finalists’ (Australia & Malaysia) will be open to the general public as well as Recruits and Instructors . Votes from non-bootcampers will be worth one point. Votes from current Recruits will be worth four points. Votes from Instructors will be worth Six points."

Thank you xoxo

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