23 August 2011

Day 09: A picture of the person who has gotten you through the most.

As a continuation of my 30-day blog challenge...Today marks the 9th day of the challenge. It's actually something that I look forward to everyday. Or more like every night. Coz I'd wait for it to past midnight, then I'd update. And if it's an interesting title, I anticipate it even more. 

Day 09: A picture of the person who has gotten you through the most.

I think this is your best-looking picture. Hehehe.

This is ZackV (hover over his name! =D ) Both of us have been friends for (wait lemme count. It's quite complicated coz we actually weren't friends for 3 years after we were friends for...4 years) jah. Ok, I think we've been besties for approximately 8 years now. 

I definitely can say that he is the person that has gotten me through the most coz he's been there for me throughout my ups and downs as a true friend. We had our cold war for 3 years and that definitely made things much better for us later. Reason for our cold war? That's something you'd have to ask me personally if you really wanna know. But yes. We tell each other almost everything. =P Almost coz well, we're not exactly lovers or whatever. And we dont need to tell each other EVERYTHING. But we can. I think we can. well, most things we can. And we can do it without judgments about each other. That's the great thing about our friendship. 

When I was at my lowest, my worst, he was there for me. Whenever I'm at fault, I can always count on him to be honest with me and tell me straight off. Yeah, we've had our fair share of disagreements and arguments. But that's just us. We're both VERY hard-headed characters. So when we fight, it's bad. I wonder who that resembles, hmm? *cheeky smile* 

At the same time, I do try my best to be there for him through whatever. I mean, friendship is a two way thing. ALL RELATIONSHIPS are.

Thank You, Zacky...for always being there for me. Through my hardships, stubbornness, my tears, and laughter. I'm always grateful to have you in my life. And thank YOU for still believing in me. You'll always be my bestie. (well, unless we break into another cold war. which I REALLY hope we won't! We don't have a reason to anyway. hehe. )

p/s: your name is in blue coz I know how you love your Blue Team! GOOOOO BLUE!

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