20 August 2011

30-day blog challenge: Day 06

Day 06: A picture of a person you'd love to trade places with for a day.

I'm proud to say that I have the same idea as Banz. She too, wanted to trade places with the same person I'd want to for a day. 

And that person is...

Beyonce Knowles!

 I want the ability to sing "Who Run the World! GIRLS." I mean, not every female artist have that X-factor to sing a song like that. but Beyonce definitely has what it takes.

 I wanna feel how it's like to be in her shoes, performing to a big audience like that. Wooh. Having her body's ability to dance AND sing would be out of this world!

Random fact: Did you know that Beyonce wears FOUR pairs of stockings when she performs? (That's why it's so shiny...) She said it's to hold her jiggly-s in place. Can anyone get more down to earth than that? Respect her for her honesty!  
Read about it here

 She has an uncomplicated (or so it seems) relationship with Jay-Z. They've been together for very long time and I respect that about her. I REALLY hope she will be different from all other divas and pop stars. Have kids and grow old with Jay-Z pls! 
Oh. But I dont want to date Jay-Z. no no! *scared*

 To be hung up in the air, sing and perform. If you guys have seen her world tour video, u'd understand why. She was SO HIGH UP and still the amount of control she has over her voice while SPINNING 360degrees on that thingy was UH-MAY-ZHING!

Sigh. I can only dream. ladeedum.

Gwebu, if you're reading this, *cheeky smile and wiggles eyebrows* 

Beyonce For the World! or Win. doesnt matter.


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