29 October 2011

Day 15: A picture of something you want to do before you die

I've been long gone. Just feel like doing everything and anything but studying for my finals. so a quick update as a continuation of my 30-day blog challenge!

Day 15: A picture of something you want to do before you die.

source: here

To conquer the majestic Mount Kinabalu. The highest peak in South East Asia. The mountain I grew up looking at every morning when I head out from home. Yes. I must climb that mountain. One day, I shall.

For now, let's just go back to conquering my mountain of books and notes.

1 comment:

  1. hahahaa Mountain of Books I think is more challenging than Mount Kinabalu!! Its all mental and mental exhaustion can be unbearable. :-) Good luck for your finals.


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